Myspace Layouts

You Can Put Your Main info here, or something like s4s code etc.
THIS LAYOUT IS MY FAV! I absolutely am a fan of Jeff Hardy and this layout is a tribute to him. I love how it came out and i hope u do as well!!

You can change all this text of course =]. But DO NOT SAVE without replacing all XXXXXXX with your friend id! If u save then myspace jumbles up the link and then ur all confused!

DO NOT REMOVE CREDIT! If you remove credit, or alter this layout(other than text) i will disable the layout.
Lots and Lots of stuff can go here. If your a fansite an everything pic can go here, site updates, news, etc!

If you are just a fan anything can go here u want! yay! the possibilites are endless!

Each of these boxes are made to scroll on and on and on like the energizer bunny! for endless fun! wooo!
Again lots of room here! DO NOT EDIT any of the coding.. it is carefully coded to look right so if u go and edit it.. u may just mess it up and that would break my heart! Like i said before DO NOT USE my layout if u plan on altering it in anyway other than the information within the tables. thanks so much.
Don't you see the writing on the wall(Don't you see the writing on the wall)
You're in way over your head
You're gonna drown in the things that you said

Time has come and gone for words
A thousands threats i've heard before
But words are cheap, but lies are big to take

Time has come and gone for words
A thousands threats i've heard before
And all your words are too big to take

It's a paradox, A mystery, A riddle
A door in your face and only i have the key
Do understand, you'll be caught in the middle
Caught in a web by being spun by me

Don't you see the writing on the wall (Don't you see the writing on the wall)
Just a victum of your own conceit
The architect of your own defeat

Time has come and gone for words
A thousands threats i've heard before
But words are cheap, but lies are big to take

Time has come and gone for words
A thousands threats i've heard before
And all your words are too big to take

Never walk away from a fight thats worth fighting
Never hesitate when you know you're gonna act
Never waste your words on a fool you won't listen
Never sell your soul cause you'll never buy it...back

Time has come and gone for words
A thousands threats i've heard before
But words are cheap, but lies are big to take

Time has come and gone for words
A thousands threats i've heard before
And all your words are too big to take

Time has come and gone for words
A thousands threats i've heard before
But words are cheap, but lies are big to take

Time has come and gone for words
A thousands threats i've heard before
And all your words are too big to take
This marquees!! WOO! Put updates, affiliates or a nice message here!


samoankings08 has not uploaded any photos yet

Myspace Layouts

You Can Put Your Main info here, or something like s4s code etc.
THIS LAYOUT IS MY FAV! I absolutely am a fan of Jeff Hardy and this layout is a tribute to him. I love how it came out and i hope u do as well!!

You can change all this text of course =]. But DO NOT SAVE without replacing all XXXXXXX with your friend id! If u save then myspace jumbles up the link and then ur all confused!

DO NOT REMOVE CREDIT! If you remove credit, or alter this layout(other than text) i will disable the layout.
Lots and Lots of stuff can go here. If your a fansite an everything pic can go here, site updates, news, etc!

If you are just a fan anything can go here u want! yay! the possibilites are endless!

Each of these boxes are made to scroll on and on and on like the energizer bunny! for endless fun! wooo!
Again lots of room here! DO NOT EDIT any of the coding.. it is carefully coded to look right so if u go and edit it.. u may just mess it up and that would break my heart! Like i said before DO NOT USE my layout if u plan on altering it in anyway other than the information within the tables. thanks so much.
Don't you see the writing on the wall(Don't you see the writing on the wall)
You're in way over your head
You're gonna drown in the things that you said

Time has come and gone for words
A thousands threats i've heard before
But words are cheap, but lies are big to take

Time has come and gone for words
A thousands threats i've heard before
And all your words are too big to take

It's a paradox, A mystery, A riddle
A door in your face and only i have the key
Do understand, you'll be caught in the middle
Caught in a web by being spun by me

Don't you see the writing on the wall (Don't you see the writing on the wall)
Just a victum of your own conceit
The architect of your own defeat

Time has come and gone for words
A thousands threats i've heard before
But words are cheap, but lies are big to take

Time has come and gone for words
A thousands threats i've heard before
And all your words are too big to take

Never walk away from a fight thats worth fighting
Never hesitate when you know you're gonna act
Never waste your words on a fool you won't listen
Never sell your soul cause you'll never buy it...back

Time has come and gone for words
A thousands threats i've heard before
But words are cheap, but lies are big to take

Time has come and gone for words
A thousands threats i've heard before
And all your words are too big to take

Time has come and gone for words
A thousands threats i've heard before
But words are cheap, but lies are big to take

Time has come and gone for words
A thousands threats i've heard before
And all your words are too big to take
This marquees!! WOO! Put updates, affiliates or a nice message here!